
Important things about XanvicOS

What is the XanvicOS's status

At this time XanvicOS just has a bootloader that doesn't support UEFI divided in 2 stages. The first is written in assembly and loaded by the boot manager.
The second is written in C and has printf.

What is the difference between the main and stable branch

How the name implies, if you want to use XanvicOS use the stable branch. The main branch is just the branch where I commit code that doesn't compile or is full of bugs.

How to build XanvicOS

If you want to try XanvicOS you need to:
1- clone the XanvicOS repo `git clone --branch stable https://vinceale7082.is-a.dev:3000/VinceAle7082/XanvicOS.git`
2- compile it
Now all the files compliled are in the build/ directory, including the floppy image (main_floppy.img).
3- Install dependencies: openwatcom, mtools, dosfstools and qemu.
4- Now run
'qemu-system-x86_64 -fda build/main_floppy.img'
(This command may change on your distro or architecture)

~Vincenzo Aleksey Brocato